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Monday, May 30, 2011

This Year's Fishtail Family Fun Day Raffle!

Thanks to Beartooth Hardware & Lumber and Absarokee VoAg
The Absarokee VoAg really outdid themselves this year. Check out the playhouse/garden shed/spouse retreat they built for this Year's Fishtail Family Fun Day raffle prize!

Tickets for the raffle can be purchased at the Cowboy Bar, Muddy Lamb Studio, Fishtail General Store and Potter’s Rock Shop. If you haven't yet, check out this year's schedule below. You will find something for the whole family!


 Schedule - Saturday, June 25th

  • 7:00am - 9:00am: Pancake Breakfast - Fishtail Community Center (Sponsored by Nemont)
  • 8:00am - 2:30pm: Vendor Booths Open
  • 8:00am – 2:30pm: Book Sale
  • 8:00am – 2:00pm: Bake Sale
  • 11:00am: Parade
  • 12:00pm: Lunch - Benefits the Lutheran Church
  • 12:00pm – 2:30pm: Park Activities
  • 1:00pm: - Live Music by Noreen the Outlaw Queen - Cowboy Bar & Superclub
  • 1:45pm: Raffle drawing
  • 2:00pm: Duck Race
 See you there! For future updates, be sure to 'like' Fishtail Family Fun Day on their Facebook Page.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Fishtail Nye Neighborhood - New Website Launched!

We've Launched!

No not to the moon, but we do have our new website up and running! No worries, our blog is not going away, but rather, it is now our new website's portal for the local Neighbor News! If you're a member of Fishtail Nye Neighborhood, be sure to send us your upcoming events and any related photos and/or web-ready video clips. If you think it's news worthy, send it our way, and if we agree, we'll blog about it!

Be sure to check out the Helping Hands page, which lists all the member businesses! Need a roof fixed? Wish you could refer a customer to a local business to care for their rental home? Check it out - you may be surprised at the businesses and organizations in the Fishtail and Nye area!

Maybe you're a frequent visitor to our area of Montana or just happened to stumble across us looking for one of the many hidden Montana area gems just outside of Yellowstone National Park. The Stay and Play section is just for you. Here you'll find links to local dining, lodging, retail stores, and recreation providers. Plus, if adventure is calling your name, or you simply need a quiet serene place to cast your fishing pole, there are downloadable hiking, fishing, and recreational maps.

Not a member yet, but ready to jump on board with us? Contact Us Here to find out more and download our membership form.

Happy Surfing!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Fishtail Family Fun Day 2011

Celebrating Pioneer Women!
Come enjoy a fun filled day in Fishtail, Saturday June 25th, 2011. People come from all over the state to enjoy our little one block town. With the beauty of the Beartooth Mountains in the background, it is it the perfect spot to enjoy the day with your family! This year’s theme, Celebrating Pioneer Women, is in honor of the hard working women of the early 1900’s.

The day will start off with a pancake breakfast, and there will be lots of vendor booths, book sales, and bake sales. The famous two mile long parade starts at 11:00am!

Be sure to take the kids to check out the afternoon's activities in the park. There will be something fun for all ages, including pioneer day demonstrations, a bouncy house, paintball games and much more!

This year’s raffle will be a large playhouse which is being made by the Absarokee High School VoAg Classes, and finishing the day off is the annual Duck Race! Tickets for the raffle and duck race can be purchased at the Cowboy Bar, Muddy Lamb Studio, Fishtail General Store and Potter’s Rock Shop. Proceeds from the day will go to help support the Fishtail Community Center and Park.

Bring your friends and family and come celebrate Pioneer Women with us and see what our small town has to offer!

Monday, April 4, 2011

New Website Coming Soon!

We will have our full scale Fishtail Nye website up soon! During the transition, there may be times that our blog is temporarily inaccessible. We are excited about the opportunities having a web presence will offer local businesses, organizations, and services.

Thank you for your patience!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Become a member and increase your business exposure!

Hello Friends,

We would like to introduce the Fishtail Nye Neighborhood community forum to you. Our goal is to promote stronger community ties and all that is wonderful about this area of Montana, and what it has to offer. Why? Because...That’s what neighbors do!

Currently we have a list of more than 50 businesses in the Fishtail Nye Neighborhood we are certain will benefit from this forum. We are also confident that local residents and visitors to our area will find the resources we are creating very helpful as well. What are the plans ahead?

First, we will offer a handout directory (The Neighborhood Scoop) containing three sections:
· Neighbor News will feature contact information about clubs, schools, churches and organizations.

· Helping Hands will list local businesses (i.e. retail, services, ranches, organizations, etc).

· Stay & Play will concentrate on the great recreation choices south of Fishtail, between the drainages of the West Rosebud and Stillwater Rivers. Dining, lodging, and businesses offering recreational adventures will be highlighted here, as well as destinations for hiking, camping and sightseeing.
The Neighborhood Scoop will be offered to visitors free of charge at participating businesses.

Second, a website will expand on the Neighbor News, Helping Hands and Stay & Play ideas mentioned above. A Community Calendar will be included on the home page highlighting upcoming community events, plus a link to your business website or to an information sheet about your business. Please visit us at and click to subscribe to our news feed free of charge.

The 2011 membership fee is $25 for businesses wishing to participate. Remember, the fee will include your business contact information in the directory (The Neighborhood Scoop) as well as links to your business on the Fishtail Nye Neighborhood website. Checks can be made out to: Fishtail Nye Neighborhood.

Please take a moment and fill out the questionnaire on Page 2. It can be dropped off at the Muddy Lamb or the Fishtail General Store.

You may also mail completed questionnaires to:

Fishtail Nye Neighborhood
PO Box 46
Fishtail, MT 59028.

Questions can be directed to one of the following:
Travis Hansen (,
Cindy Swan (,
or Holly Russell (

We’ll be seeing you around ~ The Steering Group for Fishtail Nye Neighborhood,

Travis Hansen, Katy Martin, Holly Russell, Alison Schieldt & Cindy Swan

Friday, February 4, 2011

Welcome Neighbors and Visitors!

Welcome to Fishtail Nye Neighborhood!

We are community of volunteers, businesses, neighbors, and organizations in the area that seek to improve networking, share knowledge, provide improved visitor access to products and services, and promote our wonderful community. Be sure to check the column to the right for upcoming events and to access links to local businesses and services. Would you like to be involved as a local Fishtail or Nye business or organization? Watch your mailbox for more information to come.

Be sure to visit our Facebook Page! Why become a part of Fishtail Nye Neighborhood? Because...that's what neighbors do!