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Monday, May 30, 2011

This Year's Fishtail Family Fun Day Raffle!

Thanks to Beartooth Hardware & Lumber and Absarokee VoAg
The Absarokee VoAg really outdid themselves this year. Check out the playhouse/garden shed/spouse retreat they built for this Year's Fishtail Family Fun Day raffle prize!

Tickets for the raffle can be purchased at the Cowboy Bar, Muddy Lamb Studio, Fishtail General Store and Potter’s Rock Shop. If you haven't yet, check out this year's schedule below. You will find something for the whole family!


 Schedule - Saturday, June 25th

  • 7:00am - 9:00am: Pancake Breakfast - Fishtail Community Center (Sponsored by Nemont)
  • 8:00am - 2:30pm: Vendor Booths Open
  • 8:00am – 2:30pm: Book Sale
  • 8:00am – 2:00pm: Bake Sale
  • 11:00am: Parade
  • 12:00pm: Lunch - Benefits the Lutheran Church
  • 12:00pm – 2:30pm: Park Activities
  • 1:00pm: - Live Music by Noreen the Outlaw Queen - Cowboy Bar & Superclub
  • 1:45pm: Raffle drawing
  • 2:00pm: Duck Race
 See you there! For future updates, be sure to 'like' Fishtail Family Fun Day on their Facebook Page.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Fishtail Nye Neighborhood - New Website Launched!

We've Launched!

No not to the moon, but we do have our new website up and running! No worries, our blog is not going away, but rather, it is now our new website's portal for the local Neighbor News! If you're a member of Fishtail Nye Neighborhood, be sure to send us your upcoming events and any related photos and/or web-ready video clips. If you think it's news worthy, send it our way, and if we agree, we'll blog about it!

Be sure to check out the Helping Hands page, which lists all the member businesses! Need a roof fixed? Wish you could refer a customer to a local business to care for their rental home? Check it out - you may be surprised at the businesses and organizations in the Fishtail and Nye area!

Maybe you're a frequent visitor to our area of Montana or just happened to stumble across us looking for one of the many hidden Montana area gems just outside of Yellowstone National Park. The Stay and Play section is just for you. Here you'll find links to local dining, lodging, retail stores, and recreation providers. Plus, if adventure is calling your name, or you simply need a quiet serene place to cast your fishing pole, there are downloadable hiking, fishing, and recreational maps.

Not a member yet, but ready to jump on board with us? Contact Us Here to find out more and download our membership form.

Happy Surfing!